How to switch between syncing via Wi-Fi to syncing over the Internet?

Home Forums General Discussion How to switch between syncing via Wi-Fi to syncing over the Internet?

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  • #6208




    I have set up Akruto to sync Outlook with LG K500 X over my home network (Wi-Fi), but now I want sync over the Internet. What settings should I change?



    Akruto Support


    Hi Rex,

    We recommend Sync over the Internet if you are using a home or office computer that is connected to its network all the time or almost all the time and it is not being used to other locations. Most users who use this setup often travel and sync via the cellular/mobile data of their phone while the computer is online on the home/office network. You can use Sync over the Internet in other networks and/or locations if you have a laptop and you know the admin access to the router of that network. Usually, that is not possible for public Wi-Fi networks like in an airport or a hotel.

    Will you still proceed with Sync over the Internet or keep on using Sync over home (or office) network?

    Alf Delola

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