How upgrade Akruto to new HD and new OS

Home Forums General Discussion How upgrade Akruto to new HD and new OS

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    1. I am running Akruto on Win8.1.
    2. I want to change to Win10 AND a new HD (larger).
    3. I installed Win10 (clean) on the new HD.
    4. I reinstalled all programs (except Aktuto) on Win10 and the new HD.

    How shall I now transfer Akruto to Win10 and the new HD?

    I read that I would need a new Akruto licence for a NEW PC. However, this is still the OLD PC, only with an new HD and a new OS. So can I just uninstall Akruto on the OLD Win8.1 system HD and then reinstall it on the new Win10 system HD, as with any other program? Or do I really need to buy Akruto again?



    Akruto Support


    Hello Kai,

    Thank you for choosing AkrutoSync.

    Since you are using the same computer and you just upgraded it, you can still use your previous license. After installing AkrutoSync on your PC, you can activate the same license.

    When switching computers, please keep in mind the following:

    1) You cannot use AkrutoSync to pull the data from your old phone into your new computer. I assume you have some means to transfer your documents and other files to your new computer. Use the same means to transfer your Outlook data, you may use this guide on how to transfer the Outlook data on your phone to your new PC.

    2) Do not use existing account on your phone to sync with the new computer. Instead, make sure that your new computer has all your data, delete from your phone the account that you use for AkrutoSync (this will also delete from your phone contacts, calendar and tasks), and set up AkrutoSync on your new computer to sync with your phone (this will copy the data from your new computer to your phone and ensure that two-way sync before your phone and your new computer works)

    Please let us know if you have further questions or concerns.

    Raphael Gonzales

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