Moving the license from one PC to another

Home Forums Windows Phone Devices Lumia Moving the license from one PC to another

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    I have installed the akruto with license on my old laptop. Now I would like to move the license to my new one. Is this possible and how?



    Akruto Support


    Hi Josef,

    If you paid the one-time fee of $34.95 USD for that license, that is only good for the computer old laptop. A transferable license is the one for the PREMIUM (the $2.99 USD/month that can be paid per quarter or per year). Please refer to

    Here is a possible workaround, go to
    Download, install the latest version of 5.2.18
    If it will show that it is a trial version or the trial has expired – activate it using the Registration Code that you provided earlier with your name – if it activates then it is good for the Paid Version. If it does not activate, you need to purchase a new license.

    Alf Delola

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