Not syncing

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    Chris Toole



    I am running Outlook 2016 with Win 10 Home and Akruto V5.2.32 and Samsung S8

    Everything was working fine and stopped last week.

    I am also getting notices that Norton Security is blocking
    ‘attacks’ by Akruto. I have gone to the Firewall settings and added Akruto.exe to programs allowed….

    The only thing I want to sync is my calendar, I notice that when Akruto goes through its sync routine it captures tasks, contacts, email (even though they don’t actually sync) but never actually does the calendar.

    I have a screenshot but I don’t an attach button




    Akruto Support


    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for the details on your post. The forum does not have an option to attach screenshot/s. For the screenshot, you can email it to

    Could you please do the following:
    1. Close any app open then turn off your phone.
    2. Close Outlook and AkrutoSync on the computer. Close any other app/software that is open. Turn off your computer.
    3. Reboot the computer after 5-10 minutes. Make sure it goes back online. If AkrutoSync automatically opens, manually close it.
    4. Launch Outlook, make sure it can send/receive messages.
    5. Reboot the phone.
    6. Open AkrutoSync. After 5 minutes, please take a screenshot of its main screen and send it to us via email.


    Alfredo Delola



    Lema Townsend


    It would be extremely useful to actually show the answer to the ‘not syncing’ problem that is described in this post. I keep having the same problem. Something is going very wrong. Not only does my calendar sometimes not sync no matter how many times I ‘force’ it to, my phone sometimes does not allow me to edit an event on the phone, but will allow me to edit that event on my PC. The problem is never the other way around. I have deleted and recreated my Exchange account a number of times over the last few months ever wary that I may have deleted data not on my PC and therefore lost. Are these problems caused by software changes to the phones, Akruto….? I have read other posts and would like to know the reason for these issues please.



    Akruto Support


    Hi Lema,

    We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

    The reasons for no-sync issues vary, this is why we usually go through the most common issues such as (Wi-Fi off, Firewall, or wrong addition to calendar entries). This is why we need to provide individual support.

    May I know the type of exchange account that you created for Akruto on your phone? Is it “Exchange” or “Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync”?

    I also suggest sending an email directly to so we can support you in private. Threads posted here that had difficulty in syncing are different. Solutions are different as well.

    We will wait for your response.

    Brian Tan
    AkrutoSync Support.



    Karen Odle


    I am have intermittent issues with syncing from my phone to my pc…..I go thru the steps to do a force sync but they never show up on the pc…..however, everything syncs great from the pc to phone. I have an S8 Edge.



    Mac Reid


    same problem…syncs fine from PC to phone…will not sync entry on phone to pc…have no 3rd party security software



    Akruto Support


    Hi Karen and Mac,

    The phone can have many accounts such as Google or others. When you add something from the phone, you need to make sure you are saving it to the AkrutoSync account. Only items saved under the AkrutoSync account can sync back into Outlook. To do this, when adding an appointment, please go through every field. One of them will give you the option to pick the account you want the event to be saved to, choose to save that appointment in the account you created for Akruto. Once you sync, you will then see the item in Outlook.

    Let us know if this worked for you,

    Brian Tan



    Lema Townsend


    …..The phone can have many accounts such as Google or others. When you add something from the phone, you need to make sure you are saving it to the AkrutoSync account. Only items saved under the AkrutoSync account can sync back into Outlook. To do this, when adding an appointment, please go through every field. One of them will give you the option to pick the account you want the event to be saved to, choose to save that appointment in the account you created for Akruto. Once you sync, you will then see the item in Outlook…..

    I always do this and it makes no difference. The PC calendar to phone link works but rarely phone to PC



    Akruto Support



    Please send us a message from this link so we can further assist you with the issue.

    Brian Tan






    I would like to share my recent experience since it was successful at the first attempt, so thanks to support :

    I just change my Outlook (2016) profile this morning. Then I saw that syncing was no more effective even after quick reboots of my phone (Samsung Galaxy J6) and PC. So I looked for solution on this forum. I just have tried the procedure given above by Alfredo Delola (AkrutoSync Support Moderator). I respect all the terms and timings whitout really thinking it will work.
    Syncing works again instantly and completely (I am sincing only calendar and contacts) in the two ways (PC<->phone) !

    So thank you Alfredo (AkrutoSync Support Moderator)





    Mark Lancaster


    i paid money for to have it put on
    its now stopped working
    and now way to talk to anyone…
    guess i will delete



    Akruto Support


    Hi Mark,

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    You can contact us here so we can communicate and help you with the problem that you are encountering with AkrutoSync.


    Raphael Gonzales
    Technical Support Specialist



    Barry Stedman


    I find Outlook syncs to my Samsung Galaxy S7 every time, but when I add appointments to my phone they never seem to go to Outlook. It isn’t the end of the world but it would be nice. Contacts sync from phone to PC but not the Calendar (I have switched off sync to any other calendars) I love this program – this is just a little niggle.



    Akruto Support


    Hello Barry,

    The phone can have many accounts such as Google or others. When you add something from the phone, you need to make sure you are saving it to the AkrutoSync account. Only items saved under the AkrutoSync account can sync back into Outlook.

    Raphael Gonzales
    Technical Support Specialist



    Pete Lewis


    I’m unable to sync from Outlook 2016 to my Pixel – stopped working some weeks ago. I’m on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Android ver 9, Akruto ver 5.2.35.
    Deleted previous account, set up new one OK, go to sync and see the twirling arrows on the exchange account on my phone. Then it stops. Akruto on my laptop briefly flashes the progress, Started: & Finished: times during the sync, then displays the failed message in Status. I’ve got Bitdefender on both my phone and laptop. I’ve been syncing with Bitdefender on both for the last year or so – no problem.
    Please help.




    Akruto Support


    Hello Pete,

    We apologize for the inconvenience. A “Failed” status usually indicates that AkrutoSync detects a corrupted or damaged Outlook data (PST) file or with the Outlook installation itself.

    Please click “Select what to Sync” and check if you have properly selected a folder for each category (Calendar, Contacts, Task and Notes) and click save then try to force a sync from your phone.

    Here’s how you can force a sync from your phone:

    If that didn’t work, please take a screenshot of AkrutoSync main window on your computer then send it via email to for further troubleshooting.

    Raphael Gonzales
    Technical Support Specialist



    Thomas Rittler


    Like many on this forum, I cannot sync calendar appointments when created on phone. I’ve checked my calendar app(s), I have 2 on the phone, and both have the Akruto account to SYNC to. All syncs fine when created in outlook-both calendar apps sync and update but neither syncs to outlook.



    Akruto Support


    Hello Pete,

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Please click “Select what to Sync” in AkrutoSync’s left panel and take a screenshot then send it via email to in order for us to check and assist you further.






    I am having synching problems as well. I synch from Outlook on my PC to my iPhone and ipad. I synch my calendars and my contacts. Until a couple of weeks ago, everything was fine. Then I started having problems with my calendar synchs. Sometimes my iPhone calendar is totally blank with none of the events from my PC Outlook calendar shown and sometimes there will be multiple copies of the same event on my phone at the same date and time. What is going on with Akruto? I am about ready to get rid of it and go to something else for synching.



    Akruto Support


    Hi Pete,

    Thank you for choosing AkrutoSync,

    Please click on “Select what to Sync” and make sure that the correct folder is selected and detected under each category. If you are not sure, send us a screenshot so we can check.

    Brian Tan
    Akruto Support



    Carol Braddick


    I have been through all of the steps recommended directly by Support and in these posts about failure to sync. There are a lot of user complaints about failure to sync. This will be the 2nd time in 2 months that I have to go thru removing the account and reinstalling. If it fails again after this 2nd reinstall I’ll move on and try another package. Disappointing. Smart Switch for Samsung is terrible, but Akruto is becoming a close second



    Akruto Support


    Hello Peter,

    We are sorry that you are experiencing this problem.

    For further troubleshooting, please send a screenshot of AkrutoSync window via email to

    Raphael Gonzales

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