Sync Outlook with Elephone P9000 (USB or Wi-Fi)

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  • #6025


    Colonel J


    Is Elephone P9000 supported by your software?
    I need to sync my smartphone with Outlook calendar and notes. Do I have to install anything on my phone to sync with Outlook notes?
    And the last question is whether Akrutosync supports syncing via USB cable or only Wi-Fi?



    Akruto Support


    HI Colonel J,

    Thank you for choosing AkrutoSync.

    As long as the phone is capable of creating an Exchange or Corporate account then it will work with Akruto. to check, go to Settings -> Accounts -> Add Account.

    You can try out the software and see if it works for you. You can download the 7-day free trial here:

    Brian Tan.

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