Sync Stops After Updates

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  • #81301


    Kenneth Buchanan


    My Akruto sync stopped recently, not for the first time. I assumed that, as usual, I would have to reconfigure it from scratch but this time it didn’t work. I spent hours and hours but eventually it dawned on me that it had last worked before I shut down my Windows PC to go on holiday and it was possible that at that time it installed some updates. So I uninstalled everything that had been applied around that time and now it works.

    In an ideal world I would have uninstalled them one by one to see which one had done the damage but I was desperate.

    The following are what I uninstalled :

    Update for Office 2003 (KB2543854): APDATA
    Update for Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter (KB2863822): OUTLFLTR
    Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 3 (SP3)

    The above are very unlikely to be the culprits.

    KB5044033 This one has a fair bit of bad press online

    This was on Windows 11 Home edition and an Android phone. – thanks for abandoning me when the going got tough. I don’t want to help you but I want to help the community.

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