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  • #20979




    Akruto stopped syncing 2 days ago after working for years message is “Unable to update calendars.” On Win 10 Pro, NO updates for weeks, NO network changes. Have stopped/started Akruto on PC and iPhone, and rebooted both. No luck. Now what?



    Akruto Support


    Hello Alan,

    Please check the following:

    1. Make sure your phone is not on “Airplane Mode”

    2. Please open settings -> Wi-Fi on your phone and make sure it says “connected”. Not just “on”, but “connected” to the same network of your PC. If your PC or laptop is also using Wi-Fi make sure it is connected to the same Wi-Fi network that your phone is connected to. Also make sure that Mobile Data / Cellular Data is Turned OFF. Also, please make sure that both your devices are connected to the same 2.4 ghz or 5ghz router. This is usually indicated in the Wi-Fi name. (Example: Brian Wi-Fi 2.4ghz or Brian Wi-Fi 5ghz)

    3. If you have a firewall on your computer, it may be preventing the connection You can try disabling the firewall (as a test only) to see if it is the reason for connection problems. If you are using something other than the Windows Firewall, please make sure Akruto is listed as “allowed”. If this does not work, completely turn off your firewall.

    If this still doesn’t work, please take a screenshot of AkrutoSync main window on your computer and send it via email to for further troubleshooting.

    Raphael Gonzales
    Technical Support Specialist





    Thanks. I had Mobile Data / Cellular Data ON rather than OFF. It sync’d but the sync date says yesterday rather than today so I’m not sure why it’s working. I’ll test more. (BTW – Airplane mode off, PC hardwired to WiFi router and correct network, Windows Firewall being used.)



    Akruto Support


    Hi Alan,

    Let us check if the phone and the computer can communicate with each other.

    1. Go to the Wi-Fi settings of your phone. Tap the Wi-Fi connection where your phone is currently connected to and look for a IP Address or IPV4 Address.

    2. On your computer, go to Start (Or the Window Circle), then All Programs, then Accessories, then Command Prompt. In the black box type in IPCONFIG look for the IPV4 address or IP Address and default gateway.

    We will wait for your response,

    Brian Tan

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