How Can I sync iPad Air 2 with Outlook without Cloud?

Home Forums Apple Devices iPad How Can I sync iPad Air 2 with Outlook without Cloud?

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  • #5927




    Hi there!
    I have a question regarding Outlook sync (with all the staff) on iPad. The thing is that I would like to synchronize my iPad Air 2 with desktop running Outlook 2010 for business. Is it possible for me to sync Outlook on my iPad Air without using the Cloud? Will all the data be properly displayed without being erased? Does your app works with iPad Air 2?



    Akruto Support


    HI Charles,

    Thank you for choosing AkrutoSync.

    Yes, Akruto works with your iPad 2.

    Just to clarify;

    1. Does your iPad have contacts, calendars, tasks and notes that are NOT int Outlook?
    2. Are you referring to the Outlook app on your iPad?

    We will wait for your response.

    Brian Tan

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