The "Other" phone number record is not synced

Home Forums General Discussion The "Other" phone number record is not synced

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  • #6259


    Lukas PLachy


    I was quite wondering why half of my phone numbers was not synced, when I found out, that the contact (card) records WERE synced, but not their phone numbers (and thatswhy my phone was not offering them when searching a person to phone/SMS). THis happened only in those records, that had the type of phone number “Other”.



    Akruto Support


    Hi Lukas,

    Could you please email the following to
    1. Your sync setup, is it (1) Sync over home network/Wi-Fi or (2) Sync over the Internet?
    2. The latest screenshot of AkrutoSync’s current screen from your computer
    3. What is the make and model of your phone? If it is an Android, what is the Android version? If it is a Windows phone, what Windows version? If it is an iPhone or an iPad, what is the iOS version?
    4. Are you using Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/Office 365 with Outlook 2013/2016 on a Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 computer? Is it a desktop or a laptop? Wired directly to the router or connected via Wi-Fi?

    If you are not familiar with ‘how to take a screenshot and attaching it to the email’, please use this guide:
    1. Press the “Print Screen” key on your keyboard (also labelled as “Prt Sc” or “PrtScn”). This will capture an image of your entire screen.
    Or you can Click on the AkrutoSync window then hold down the Alt button and press Prt Sc. This will take a picture of the “active” window on your screen. An image of the window will be copied to the clipboard. You will not receive any confirmation that the screenshot has been taken.

    2. Paste the screenshot. Once you have made the screenshot, you will need to paste it to an editor. Open Paint from the Accessories section in your Start menu or search Paint in Windows Search. With a new blank canvas open in Paint, press the Ctrl and V buttons together to paste the image onto the canvas. You can also right-click on the canvas and select Paste.

    3. Save the screenshot. Click File, then Save to set the name and file type of the image. You can select the JPG or PNG file type. Select and remember the save location, then click Save.

    4. Attach the screenshot that you saved as a reply to this email.

    Alternatively, you can refer to the guide for taking a screenshot here:

    For Frequently Asked Questions:
    For User Guide:
    For Forums:
    For Apple devices:
    For Android:
    For Windows:

    We will wait for your response.

    Alf Delola

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